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Slayer Battle vest

Thu, 27/04/2023 - 07:29


Temporary vest for a while

The cyrillic lettering on the back is the name of my band Proserator.
The Exodus patch on the back is cut out of a Bonded By Blood back patch that I used on my vests before, I felt bad cutting it but I wanted to take it further with me and my vest so I thought this was the only way.
The DIY 111 patch, 1 (in Serbian slang "kec") is what we call the famous "punk beat" aka "the Slayer beat", basically just snare and kick pretty much.
The D.R.I. patches on the back (on the Horror Piknik and Skull Fist patches) are the same ones I had on my shoes as they didn't really fit on my shoes because the shoes are in pretty good condition and the patches... not so much.
The patch above Sodom on the back is of a Montenegro side project by Komle (KK Street Bangers) and a friend of his, met the guy last year and asked for a signature on that piece of denim and when I said I knew of Mitraljezor, that is what I got xD

Not for sale or trade
Slayer Battle vest
Slayer Battle vest

no karate in pit's picture

looking great man fucking slayer

BerachMalina96's picture


no karate in pit's picture


Speed Maniac's picture

Would you trade that pin for something 4 nadimac shirts

BerachMalina96's picture

HAHAHA send bobs end vagana

Speed Maniac's picture

:( pls not again

Speed Maniac's picture

Ok man ok if you want it ill send you tonight ;)

Speed Maniac's picture

Al svakako top ti je taj onslot

BerachMalina96's picture

Krlja brat prljav vrat

Freak Space Cadet's picture

Always great seeing some Annihilator! Love the layout on the back!

BerachMalina96's picture

Cheers, Annihilator kicks ass, or should I say, they burn like a buzzsaw blade ;)

TrifkeThrasher's picture


COTHRASHER's picture

So much old school thrash here!! I love the stud work and the denim cut

BerachMalina96's picture

Hell yeah man, I've taken this vest apart since then since it's kinda boring for my taste (see my vest I had before this) but soon I will hopefully start a new one in the style that I like >:)

komlentor's picture


BerachMalina96's picture


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