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Old 89 tour Metallica jacket

Fri, 07/04/2017 - 01:28

Here's the other Jacket I put together in fuckin 1988-89. The Jacket is a old 70s Levi I snagged from my oldman back in the day ( he's still pissed off about it) oh well didn't fit him anyway. I wore this once in awhile I was at the Damage Justice tour concert in Seattle they ran out of the t-shirt size I needed so I bought this back patch. This one isn't as smelly as the other on I posted. Enjoy Brothers and Sisters!! Stay Fuckin Metal!!!

Not for sale or trade

Year: 1988
Old 89 tour Metallica jacket
Old 89 tour Metallica jacket

Metaldemon's picture

The last patch on this was that pink Pantera patch from 1992 I think? I can't remember where I got it. Earliest patch on this is the power slave patch or motorhead patch my old girlfriend back in the day gave me, this one is not as loaded up. This is at the tail end of the era of thrash metal and I was a junior senior in high school about to be deployed in the Marines in 89 to Subic bay Philipines.

Nater90's picture

So epic, That Led Zeppelin patch is great, Easily the best Rock band ever.

Scaryterri's picture

Great patches for the era......and the jacket looks to be in great condition! I'm trying to figure out why Pantera issued a pink(?) patch. Must have been during their glam days! LOL!

Metaldemon's picture

I don't know it was one of the last patches I put on and it is pink with orange flames. It was a Little hard to come By but found it at a golden oldies record square music shop.

Metaldemon's picture

I started collecting patches and then started sewing them on, this Jacket I really just wanted the back patch on that was it. But then I found some megadeth patches and that led zepplin patch. Well that's it for Old 80s shit! Ha Ha Ha !!

Repodepo55's picture

Goddammit!!! I had that fucking metallica back patch on a regular sport jacket, way back in '91. Fuck me. Didn't remember that one. Kewl. Mega kewl. I'm stoked. that's a really handsome patch. Thanks for sharing. Have to take a cold shower now...

Metaldemon's picture

Well I attended the 89 concert here in Seattle wa. USA and they basically ran out of medium and large shirts and had nothing buy 2xl and extra large. So I bought the patch for $10USD and stole by Dads jacket and sewed that bad boy on there!!

Kvlt_ured_Gentleman's picture

That motörhead patch amuses me every time I see it.

Metaldemon's picture

Yeeeeaaahh but you had to see the Hottie that gave it to me!!! Lets just say its something I don't bring up to the wife!!!! HA HA HA HA!!!

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