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Darkthrone My (Not So) Black and White Jacket

Mon, 09/05/2011 - 22:07

Sorry about the blurred photos, I no have digital camera (just phone's cam)

So, Here is, I remove all the patches and start all over again, i have in mind made a 'first wave' jacket, but a no have the money, so i just mix up all the patches and that make this.

I really like the way that the back look and the front is simple and no too fancy.

Also, I'm thinking in put the other patches too!

Not for sale or trade

Year: 2011

laurensgrFCDB's picture

great sodom patch!

PrinceAdam's picture

I happen to concur.

HeavyTony's picture

sick Watain backpatch!!! looks like a bit how i want my second vest

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

great work, from where is that black metal militia patch?

OrtodokseGud's picture

stolen from Watain's myspace (lol)
I sent to make a t-shirt with that, obviously remove it 'Watain' and replace it with Miserycore!

Phosphorous_Redeemer's picture

ah, looks very good. if they made a patch that just said black metal militia id buy like 5 haha

nothingmore's picture

Well this looks really really nice.
4/5, for the empty front ^^

southerncrossripper's picture

is the bathory patch on the front woven ?
Not really a fan of most bands, but looks good so far, i like the back. It looks kinda like a motard vest (because of the round backpatch and the arched slogan), and I think it would look great if you kept it simple, and move the sodom patch to the front. Also you should consider adding another arched patch on top of the backpatch, I think the gehennah logo would look great.

OrtodokseGud's picture

Yes, the Bathory patch is woven
I really like you idea and i like Gehennah too, I will have it on mind
The Sodom patch, in the main idea, Should go in the front but I haven't found the way in which could fit properly
Also, i will miss the Miserycore patch...

southerncrossripper's picture

Where did you find a woven bathory patch with red logo ?
You can always move the miserycore patch up or move it down to the bottom back and move the patches there to the front.

OrtodokseGud's picture

I buy from a metal-store in my city (and i believe that bring in from Santiago)

Really like you idea, when have the Gehennah patch I will start, thanks you for the help!

Born to Lose's picture

Sodom, BATHORY, Darkthrone, Burzum, Hellhammer y creo que el parche de la parte superior derecha es de Aura Noir, cierto? 5/5!

OrtodokseGud's picture

Si, Aura Noir con el arte de Hades Rise
El de Bathory es mi favorito, cuando lo vi no puede resistir comprarlo!

Born to Lose's picture

Yo tengo un parche con el arte de Hades Rise tambien! Te entiendo con los parches de Bathory haha yo haria lo mismo! Saludos!

Corrosive's picture

Muchisimo mejor desde que lo pusiste por primera vez! Sigo pensando que personalmente algunas bandas me sobran, pero en general esta muchisimo mejor! La parte trasera es muy original, aunque podrias haber recortado el circulo siguiendo su forma y no rectangularmente.
Espero que vaya mejorando!

OrtodokseGud's picture

Se Podria decir que quise cortarlo de forma rectangular para que asi podria pasar por un 'backpatch' pero tomare en cuenta tu consejo, cuando vuelva a modificarla lo cortare de forma circular. Aun le faltan varios parches, obviamente esta abierta a modificaciones.
Gracias por la idea!

Cruziator's picture

The Aura Noir is sick! Do you have an bigger photo of it?

OrtodokseGud's picture

I will try to post tomorrow a better quality

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