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Die Ärzte Kutte

Wed, 13/01/2016 - 23:43

Hey guys!

So after a few months and new patches and signatures here's an update of my Kutte. Most new patches were bought at shows or festivals.
The signatures I'm really proud of are from Sodom which I got at their signing session at 2015's Summer Breeze because Tom signed on the shaped Sodom-Stripe which I got from a usere here on TSS (and also added me afterwards on fb because I brought them some beer which wasn't allowed at the infield x)). :) And also the Balls to the Wall Patch was signed by the two remaining original members of Accept in Decembre 2015. Wolf Hoffmann was really happy to see such an old patch in such a good condition. :D
The other new signatures in my jacket are from Paul DiAnno, the other Accept members, the singer from Asphyx, a few members of Stallion and Godslave, the singer from Vektor, all members of Air Raid and Dr. Living Dead!, the girls of Nervosa, Mambo Kurt, the members of Mr. Hurley, a guitarist from Finsterforst who live in my hometown and comes often to our pub and a good friend of me who is also in a small band. I hope, I forgot noone, haha.

At the moment I'm looking for nothing really special and in the future I will ad more shaped patches. I re-arranged the Onkel Tom patch to the front to fill in there some spaces.

Oh and btw. the "Kneipenterroristen" patch is not from the german band but for a youth gang from northern germany that existed in the 80s, maybe some of you Germans know the documentation "Youth Wars". They were a gang that always drunk a lot of beer and was really stupid. My friends and I love this documentation and because the gang had patches like I have now, in the 80s, my friends made me this one for my birthday. Really an insider, Fugbaum, normal hä?!

So what do you think? I'm open for critics and would like to hear your point of view! :)


Not for sale or trade
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte
Die Ärzte Kutte

gizter's picture

nice evil invaders patch

Yoschi29's picture

Thanks! I bought it on the last Metallergrillen where they played and also sold some merch. But I didn't remember until I opened my pockets at home. xD

Nater90's picture

Killer taste mate.

Is the Blind Guardian patch official? Have seen it a fair bit, Prefer my big fuck off one but that one is epic too.

Yoschi29's picture

Thanks Nater! Yeah I think it is official, it's the one that you can see on a few jackets here.

Vollhonk's picture

Yes, it's an official one :-)

Yoschi29's picture


Nater90's picture

Awesome! Thanks guys :)

ThrashMetal1983's picture

Great vest man!

Yoschi29's picture

Thank you! :)

Iron Animal's picture

Gefällt mir überhaupt nicht. die Band Auswahl schwankt zwischen ein paar richtig geilen und einen Haufen beschissener Bands (und Wacken).

Der Kragen ist einfach unnötig und schaut meiner Meinung nach einfach nicht gut aus...

Ausserdem solltest du an der Vorderseite unbedingt noch was machen. Eine Seite voll, die andere Seite Leer... das sieht einfach scheiße aus. Allerdings passt das Layout hinten dafür sehr gut.

Yoschi29's picture

Geschmäcker sind halt unterschiedlich. Trotzdem danke! Klar, die Vorderseite wird auch noch gemacht, aber ich mach mir da keinen Stress, sondern schau, wie sich was ergibt.

Cheezyname's picture

Looks awesome!

Yoschi29's picture

Thanks a lot! :)

Chainbreaker's picture

Killer lay-out on the backside! I am so fuckin' impressed!

Yoschi29's picture

Thanks a lot mate! Yeah I spent much time thinking about how to arrange it.

BagOfLoot's picture

Geiles Ding! Repräsentiert bestimmt super Deinen taste, und es sieht aus, als steckten jede Menge coole Erinnerungen (und Autogramme) drin. Außerdem gefällt mir das Layout - auf Festivals findet man Dich bestimmt gut wieder! ;-) Mach so weiter und stay metal! (And punk!)

Yoschi29's picture

Danke man! Genau, das Teil hat jetzt in den fast 2 Jahren, seit ich damit angefangen hab, schon so einiges gesehen und ja, so untrue das auch manch einer bezeichnen würde, mir ist das recht egal, weil's ja mein Geschmack ist.
Und ja, wie oft wurd ich - grad letztes Jahr - (erneut) auf meinen Schatz auf Festivals angesprochen. :D

BagOfLoot's picture

True, untrue....alles Quatsch. Du machst das schon richtig!

Yoschi29's picture

Hehe, danke dir! :)

Begravelse's picture

Holy shit that Accept patch is cool! The vest itself is pretty cool too!

Yoschi29's picture

Thanks mate! Yours looks also very great!
And yeah when I first saw that Accept patch I knew that I must have it. :D

Salumae's picture

schöner Lappen :)

Yoschi29's picture

Hehe, danke dir. :)

Justicerhodes's picture

This kutte. its just....so nice :')

Great job and amazing taste!

Yoschi29's picture

Haha very sweet, thanks! :) It changed a little bit since I last updated it here, but it's still mostly the same.
I just looked at your jacket, although there aren't that much patches on it yet, it looks good!

Justicerhodes's picture

No problem! :) it really looks great! Once you get the front filled in it'll be perfect.
Thank you! I just ordered more patches and they should be arriving soon, I'll post them!

Necro Rican's picture

Killer jacket!! Also Fernanda of Nervosa signed my jacket.

Yoschi29's picture

Thanks mate! Nice to hear! :) Where and when did you meet her? I got the autographs when they went to the first row after their gig at Summer Breeze last year here in Germany.
I looked at your jacket, also very cool and creative!

Necro Rican's picture

Thanks, I met her when she autographed my vest after they performed here in Puerto Rico.

Yoschi29's picture

Sounds cool! :)

Ahriman's picture

Macker! Ich mach das ja nich so oft, aber dafür muss ich mal n Kompliment aussprechen. Die Kutte hat sich schon gut entwickelt. Auf jeden Fall im Gegensatz zu dem Zeitpunkt, als ich sie das erste ma gesehen hab.

Yoschi29's picture

Hihi, danke dir! :) Ich hab sie aber ja mittlerweile auch noch etwas gefüllt. Aber freut mich sehr! :)

Thiellus's picture

Love the bottle caps around the collar - very original kutte, looks amazing!!

Yoschi29's picture

Thanks man, I really appreciate your comment! :) At the moment it is filled with a lot more patches and soon I'm gonna post the update here.

sfusyron's picture

Nice Kutte dig your collar..

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