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Beherit Minor update

Sat, 14/01/2023 - 07:18

Soke peoppe have been asking for update, so here's what I have for now. Vulture - The Guiltione is still the backpatch, but I'm waiting for some stuff from UK, Mexico, and Thailand to arrive before really starting to sew on the back. (The backside will be where all the spice is at)

Hoping to have a major update aroubd mid February. This project is sort of a grand summary of all my favorite bands throughout my life rather than being a subgenre confined project.

Hoping to have this done before Hell's Heroes in March (if you're going, it'd be cool to meet up)

I may not be a fan of PTPP, but I was happy to recenrly acquire that Stargazer patch. It's a really important album to me.

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Beherit Minor update

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